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Wendell, Gabe, and Rashad

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Loss and Gain; A Comparison of Two Stories

Rashad Young

Mr. Salsich

October,7 2008

Imagine that you just got out of school and apprehended a test, only to arrive once again in class and receive below average

grade; you could take that test and gain something from it. I believe that there are many differences in “Winter Dreams” and

“Sonny’s Blues”, but in a way they both seem to show signs of gain and loss. Sonny and Dexter both have had a number of

conflicts that have interfered with their normal, happy life. Nonetheless they have had magnificent highs from these startling

losses and the outcome is truly amazing.

Sonny had a major drug problem in “Sonny’s Blues” but that didn’t stop him from creating a wonderful sound with his piano.

According to Sonny’s brother sonny had a major drug problem and whenever he tried to help Sonny would get defensive. At

this point his addiction had become extremely serious Sonny would do whatever he could to get these narcotics. This limited

him short times with the piano, though his confrontations were short he made the most of them. As Sonny’s drug conflict

started to pick up on him he was forced to live on the streets for different periods at a time. This also prohibited him from his

love for the piano and drew him even further back from any of his goals. Living on the street was a very large tumble in

Sonny’s life but it is only part of the things that comes with being extensively addicted to a drug of any sort. Sonny eventually

started to do good again and had been able to start playing the piano again. He was able to do the thing he loves and do in

beautifully. As he started to play the piano even more he was featured at a bar with his jazz band. Here Sonny played for his

brother and was even able to do a solo called Sonny’s Blues.

Unlike Sonny, Dexter had a different type of loss, true love. Over and over again Dexter tried to show Judy Jones his love for her

but she kept ignoring him. Dexter first tried to show his love for Judy at the golf course but he decided to quit on that very day.

A few years after this Dexter had another encounter with Judy, this time they were a lot closer but they still weren’t together.

These encounters all revolve around the foolishness of two young adolescence maybe if they were grown men and women they

would have done something differently. Dexter, trying to escape his struggle decided to join the service. This basically

destroyed his chances of love with Judy Jones. During this time Dexter had matured in a way that showed him that Judy was not

the only person that he had to love and cherish. When Dexter emerged from his duty he had become a changed man and

became engaged to a different woman. Soon after this Dexter catches the eye of Judy at a dance, and they become acquainted

with each other Dexter is extremely nervous. As Dexter grows out of his adolescence and becomes a young man it seems that

“The dream was gone” (Burhans) Dexter seems to have lost the will to love, lost the will to care, and lost the will to fight for his


The protagonists in both of these stories have achieved some seemingly impossible goals and tapped into some hidden

feelings. They also seemed to have some of the biggest conflicts that one man could even bare. Even so they have achieved the

greatest achievements that few people accomplish. I could not imagine going through any of the things these two characters

have achieved.


Wendell Frink said...

Pros: I like how you talked about the differences of the two stories while at the same time talking about loss and gain.

1)I don't think that apprehended is apt in this essay, maybe you could have used a different word.
2) You need to rewrite some of your sentences in the first paragraph, reading it aloud helps.

Gabe Campbell said...

Pros- You did an excellent comparing and contrasting Sonny and Dexter and describing their losses and gains.

Cons- The concluding sentence was a little simple. It was good for what it was but considering it is supposed to be the most interesting sentence it could have used some work ( i have the same problem so don't worry). Also, it would have helped to include your works cited.

Overall, this was a terrific piece of writing and you did an excellent job supporting your points.

Wendell Frink said...

oh shad just a suggestion:
to compress the length of your essay on the blog press delete twice at the end of each double space
this makes it so it all flows together nicer