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Wendell, Gabe, and Rashad

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Shad's Final Essay of the Year

"Acts of Kindness" are completed by almost everyone in the world. William Wordsworth and myself are both contributers to this kindness. In "Tintern Abbey" Wordsworth talks about the kindness that has shaped the Abbey into the "beauteous form" that it is today. The kindness that has inspired Wordsworth has also inspired me to perform the acts of kindness in my life also.

With all the themes in "Tintern Abbey" there were only a few that stuck out to me. The one that stuck out the most was the "acts of kindness". Everyone, I don't care who you are, performs acts of kindness. Whether its holding the door for someone or making them a card on their birthday. Theses acts can be life lifting, depending on the mood of a person these acts of kindness can uplift the spirits of a depressed person. The acts of kindness can bring a sense of love and tranquility. This is exactly the reason why William Wordsworth used these very words in his poem. He was at a moment of peace and felt happy when the words flowed onto his paper. Each act that we do can change a life, bring someone at peace with their self or simply brighten up some ones day.

There have been countless moments in my life when an "act of kindness" from me has brightened someone's day. The first, when I was last year, in eighth grade there were many moments when accidents happened in the English classroom but today someone had spilled water all over the desk. This person seemed melancholy about this so I quickly got up and helped them with the mess, after this the person kindly thanked me and we continued on with our class. One of my best friends at Pine Point, Gabe Campbell, once asked me to help him move some soccer goals during the off-season. This was completely voluntary and was not something that he was forcing me to do. Being myself I kindly told Gabe that I would help him out, therefore lightening the load off his back. The kindness that I have shown in the English classroom and also with my friends has benefited no only me but also the people who I helped.

Kindness is something that we all encounter and interact with. William Wordsworth has has seen and experienced kindness in his life as have I. We contribute to the kindness everyday by performing small acts that help move people on from their downsides. Where will you decide to use your kindness to brighten someone's day?

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