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Wendell, Gabe, and Rashad

Friday, January 30, 2009

Gabe's Essay

Gabriel Campbell

Mr. Salsich

English B

January 29th, 2008

Slave in your Boundaries

An Essay About Confinement and  Servitude

            We have all experienced confinement one way or another. We could be confined to our rooms after we got in trouble or restricted to certain guidelines for schoolwork. We also have experienced servitude whether it was “slaving” to an older sibling or serving a punishment given by our parents. Overall, while we have all experienced our own little bit of servitude and confinement, Ariel and Caliban have experienced their version in the play “The Tempst” by William Shakespeare.

            While Ariel has been free in the most recent part of the story, the fairy has also experienced confinement and servitude. The best example of servitude would be when Ariel was Sycorax’s slave. Ariel was forced to work under Sycorax. He had lost all his freedom, and when Ariel tried to defy Sycorax he was trapped in a pine tree for 24 long, harsh years. In addition, being trapped in the pine tree is an example of confinement in Ariel’s life. He was physically trapped inside the boundaries of the tree, and confined to his thoughts.  Ariel had no way of escaping from the pine tree and since Ariel was doomed to solitude, he was also doomed to wallow in his thoughts until he was freed. Overall, prior to being freed Ariel experienced servitude and confinement.

            While living on the island, Caliban has experienced confinement and servitude. Despite being a large island, it also acts as Caliban’s “prison”. He has been confined to the island since the day he was born. He has never known anything outside the boundaries of the island. In addition, similar to Ariel’s situation, Caliban has experienced servitude under prospero. Most recently, he has been called upon to do Prospero’s bidding. While reluctant, he still has to work or else the spirits will torment him. Overall, while Caliban is a native of the island, he has still experienced confinement and servitude.

            Confinement and servitude are recurring themes everywhere we look Everyday we have been confined to a classroom, and everyday people are forced against their will to serve in places like Congo. These themes can also be found in the books we read for English class. Overall, whether it was being confined to a pine tree or forced to serve under an invader of his island, Ariel and Caliban have experienced confinement and servitude in the play “the Tempst” by William Shakespeare.


1 comment:

Wendell Frink said...

Gabe, very nice essay.
I like how you incorporated confinement and servitude in your own life in the opening paragraph.

In the second paragraph you are missing several commas and a couple of words. We both need to work on that. In the closing paragraph you are missing a period. You will find it easily if you read it aloud.