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Wendell, Gabe, and Rashad

Monday, April 27, 2009

Wendell's Post

Wendell Frink
Mr. Salsich
27 April 2009

Kindness in Our Lives:
An Essay on a Poem, a Short Story, and My Own Life

1. What types of kindness are there? 2. Do they vary in size and shape? 3. Do they play a large part in society or are they transient [FAST]? 4. In the poem “Kindness” by Naomi Shihab Nye, the short story “Winter Dreams” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and in my own life, kindness is ever present as a throbbing source of wonder.

T.S. First off, the title of the poem “Kindness” by Naomi Shihab Nye indicates that we will be divulging in kindness. After reading, we are enlightened with several ways in which to become kind. S.D. First, we need to “lose things” that cause us to be distracted. C.M. Let go of the pressing work you need to do, let go of the crises in your life, everything bothering you, let go of all that is not needed at the moment [Tetracolon climax]. C.M. Make yourself a “desolate” island among a stormy sea. S.D. Secondly, “you must see [...] travel” far and wide. C.M. Seeing “the Indian in a white poncho, lie[ing] dead by the side of the road” causes you to feel pity and sorrow in your heart. C.M. Remember, that “he too was someone;” he had a family, friends, and a life, all of which was taken away on the side of the road. S.D. Lastly, you must find deep sorrow. C.M. “You must know sorrow as the [...] deepest thing,” compared to kindness. C.M. Without first feeling sorrowful, you wouldn’t be able to act on your emotions. You would just be sympathizing with someone rather than empathizing. C.S. Sorrow is the key to the door of kindness.

T.S. How can someone with such a hard life become kind? S.D. In the short story “Winter Dreams” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Dexter Green, the willing worker who encounters prosperity [FAST], the dreamy lover, and the entrepreneur, becomes kind in his heart [Loose sentence]. C.M. The love of his life, “Judy Jones,” forces him to take “a new direction in life.” C.M. The couple “start right,” and tell each other about themselves as they get to know each other. S.D. Also, when told of the terrible news concerning Judy, he was kind with his responses to Devlin, the bearer of the bad news. C.M. He didn’t go off on a rage, he was kind to keep his mean thoughts about Devlin, “some private malice” that Devlin might have against Dexter. C.M. But these thoughts are swept away with an explanation as to why Devlin had visited Dexter with the news. C.S. Even a story with a character that shows no initial kindness, we are able to discover some end result of good moral.

T.S. Lastly, kindness is an ever present force in my life, especially from my parents and friends. S.D. First of all, my parents are the kindest people in my life. C.M. They are always there to lead me in the right direction when I get off track. They help me when I need advice, and even bring me places so I can spend time with my friends. C.M. All these actions require them to have kindness in their hearts. S.D. Secondly, my exemplary [FAST] friends, a small but loud group are kind, but in a different way than my parents [Appositive]. C.M. They are kind in ways that no one will ever be able to replicate. C.M. They are my brothers and sisters, people who make my day better, everyday. C.S. Overall, my Parents and friends have impacted my life with kindness to the extent that words can’t even describe.

1. The act of kindness is ever present. 2. In a foreign country, in a story that shows no kindness, and in my own life, it’s significance is revealed. 3. Each in is its own distinct way, but all relating. 4. Try and discover your own kindness, through helping people, being there for someone, or for just listening to what someone has to say.

Self Assessment:
I am continuing to work on making my writing make sense. I am trying to have the reader understand it better. Some strong points I see are my special tools. I think I did well using them in my essay. Some weak points I see is my concluding paragraph. I think I could have done a little bit better on it. I would give my self an 80.


Gabe Campbell said...

Dear Wendell,
I really liked how you opened your introductory paragraph with three questions. "The title of the poem “Kindness” by Naomi Shihab, indicates that what we will be divulging in is about kindness, and after reading, we notice several ways to become kind" that sentence has too many commas; you could get rid of the one after "shihab" and "reading". Also, you should label your sentences and special tools. Overall good job!

Shad said...

Great Job Dub.
I like the way you used three Questions at the beginning of your essay it really helped with the effect and power of your opening paragraph.
First, in this sentence "Starting with sorrow, you work your way up into the world of kindness." I think it would be better if you used the word in instead of into.
Second, in your third body paragraph you start a sentence with the word "but" try switching it with "instead"