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Wendell, Gabe, and Rashad

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Wendells Essay

Wendell Frink

Mr. Salsich


24 February 2009

Brave New Worlds

An Essay on Virtues in a New World

What changes a person from bad to good? Possibly the marriage of two people, the realization of a light at the end of a tunnel, or just being to old for what is going on. Everyone in this world realizes that they can be good, and that they possess certain virtues in their life. These events happen to people everyday, and to Prospero in “The Tempest.”

In The Tempest several virtues surround the peacefulness of all the characters. The first reason is love. Love has brought to people from each side, Miranda and Ferdinand, together. In doing so they ensured that both parties would collaborate [SAT FAST]. The second reason is wisdom. It was Ariel’s great thinking that brought together the opposing sides and made Prospero stop his revenge. Without Ariel, Prospero wouldn’t have been able to start his revenge, and without him he might not have stopped. The last reason is forgiveness. Prospero had the right to attack the ship carrying his perfidious [SAT FAST] brother, but he also had the right to forgive. In the end though, he finally did forgive his brother, and was able to become the duke of his island. Virtues are ever present in The Tempest.

If our world was going to become a brave new world, these virtues would be necessary. Devotion would be necessary. A world needs devotion, the devotion of the leaders, the devotion of the country, and the devotion from the people [loose sentence]. Without the devotion of these things, a world cannot be “brave” and “new.” The second virtue needed for a new world is acceptance. Everyday you hear about people dying in the Mideast because of impetuous [SAT FAST], in a “brave new world,” people will need to accept each other for who they are and move on. People will not always be the best to you, you will have failures and successes in your life, people will move on, you will make new friends, but you will still have to accept it [periodic sentence]. The last virtue is confidence. We have to be confident that our brave new world will be a success. We have to be confident in the leaders themselves. Virtues are necessary in a “brave new world.”

As in every person’s life, there is a time when they have gone from bad to good. They have seen people suffer under their will, and have suddenly ended their bad behavior. And when a new world emerges, it is necessary for it to contain virtues. When we see the light at the end of a tunnel we become mundane [SAT FAST] and work together.

Gabe's Essay

Gabriel Campbell

Mr. Salsich

English B

February 24, 2009


                                    Brave New Worlds:

                                    An Essay About Virtues

         Virtues are apparent everywhere. They could be in books or in our hearts. These virtues could unite people, or they could better a society. Overall, while commitment, patience, and sacrifice could better our country, redemption, connection, and love were the virtues that bettered Prospero’s island.

         Redemption, connection, and love were catalysts for friendship on Prospero’s island. Firstly, Prospero redeemed his brother Antonio. Antonio betrayed Prospero by dethroning him and marooning him on an island with his enfant daughter. Considering that Antonio showed no compassion (sat word) if Prospero, his own “flesh and blood” survived, this was a momentous event (periodic sentence). While they didn’t exactly become friends, a sense of peace was restored between them. In addition, Trinculo, Stephano, and Caliban were able to bond through alcohol. When Caliban tasted the “celestial ale”, they found something that brought them all jubilation (sat word). They found something that they could enjoy together. Finally, Miranda and Ferdiand became friends through love. In Ferdiand, Miranda found a person to whom she could relate to and love other than her father. Even though they met 3 hours prior, they were instantly bonded Ferdinand essentially opened her eyes to a world she hadn’t encountered before. Overall, redemption, connection, and love inevitably resulted in friendship on Prospero’s island.

         If we ever want our world to change, three virtues must be present; commitment, patience, and sacrifice. In America, if we want to change for the better commitment must take place. We must be committed to the change because if we back down midway, the process could be ruined. For example, if we tried to get everyone to stop polluting to clean up the earth and in five years people started polluting again, the earth would be in no better shape. Non-commitment can essentially change the course of anything. In addition people must have patience. For drastic changes to be done, long periods of time are required. For example, we cannot expect President Obama to make all the changes he proposed instantly. We must accept that something that will change our nation will take time and be amicable (sat word) during the process. Finally, there must be sacrifice. Sacrifice can come in all different forms from donating money to cure a disease or giving up time to building houses for the homeless. In order to keep a society orderly, everybody needs to give back. Overall, the virtues commitment, patience, and sacrifice would be vital in developing our society.

         Virtues such as forgiveness, patience, and sacrifice are a large part of society, especially since most of us were raised by these very morals. (loose sentence). These virtues have helped bring people closer together and could rebuild civilizations. They also helped construct friendships. Overall, there were many virtues that catalyzed Prospero’s island into becoming an island of peace, friendship, and love.

Everyone on the island have become good friends because they have all been connected in ways that are not obvious at first. First, Miranda and Ferdinand were connected when they fell in love together. If this is not obvious at first they begin to really fall for each other when they announce their love. (INSERT QUOTE) as you can see they really do love one another and will do just about anything for the other. Secondly, Caliban, Trinculo and Stephano all got together and have become very good friends because of Stephano's alcohol.(INSERT QUOTE) These three wacky goons are now closer than ever all because of what a single liquid can doto you. This now ties these three people with Miranda and Ferdinand; because Caliban and Miranda were from the island and Ferdinand and the three drunks were from the boat. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Rashad's Essay

(1) When someone hears the strumming of a guitar, or the beating of a drum sometimes they cant help but dance. (2)The power music has over people is simply amazing. (3)Music can make someone change their opinion on a situation or cure them from any ailment they have received. (4)Caliban has a certain thing that happens to him whenever he hears music and so do I.
(TS)When Caliban hears the voice of Ariel singing it takes him away to his own happy place and makes him almost a different person. (SD)Since the music changes himself as a whole he also has a different personality. (CM)Caliban tranforms into a peaceful creature, rather than the hideous one that he is on a regular basis. (CM)"Sounds of sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not." (SD)Caliban has shown his soft side showing that he is not just a flat one sided character, but a vivid sphere with multiple sides. (CM)Even though Caliban is imprisoned by Prospero he is probably also imprisoned by music. (CM)Wheneven Ariel sings it almost puts him into a trance in which anyone can manipulate him. (SD)Caliban will do whatever someone tells him to do as long as he is under this trance of music. (CM)Caliban is also different in his dreams. (CM)When he sleeps he hears many songs and they are so good that he thought the "clouds would open and show riches". (CS)Therefore when he awoke he would "cry to dream again" because it is such a powerful force above him. (CS)Caliban becomes tranced in music but it is the only thing that lets him become free from all of his other imprisonments.
(TS)When I hear a tune I may not become as tranced as Caliban but I do still become tranced. (SD)When I listen to music I become calm and sometimes it even helps me focus. (CM)When doing homework doing homework helps me get through it faster that I would without it. (CM)It also helps me become calm when I am angry or even when I am sad. (SD)Music makes me become tranced somewhat like Caliban almost to the point that I have to continue playing a song until I can hear it with no interruptions. (CM)This can be annoying at times when someone is talking on the phone or having a conversation because I will have to repeat the song all the way from the beginning. (CM)Most of the time though the song is on the radio so I will have no chance of hearing it again. (SD)Lastly, music has an important role that it plays every night. (CM)When I go to bed the first thing that I use to help is my radio. (CM)At night it calms me enough to put me to sleep. (CS)Music is an incredible force that can cause people to go to extreme measures to hear a certain song.
(1)Many people are affected by the incredible power music. (2)They can become become calm and even in some cases people can become entranced like Caliban was. (3)Everyone has some kind of weakness from music no matter if they like it or not; but everyones weakness is unique.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wendell's Post

Wendell Frink

Mr. Salsich


17 February 2009

Musical Revelations

An Essay on Music in Shakespeare and in My Life

(1) What if for the rest of your life [appositive as a sentence opener], you could hear everything else but music. (2) How would you feel? (3) If music was taken away from Caliban or me, than we would be utterly devastated. (4) Music is ever present in both of our lives.

TS Music makes the scene all the better for Caliban. SD To him, music “give[s] delight and [doesn’t] hurt.” CM When he dreams at night music makes him think of “riches ready to drop upon” him. CM He has cried for these riches, just so he could see them again. SD Listening to music before sleeping is big theme in The Tempest. CM For Caliban, if he listens to a stellar performance of “a thousand twangling instruments,” he can fall right asleep. CM Even if he has just woken up, the music lulls him slowly back into a dreaming state. SD Unfortunately, Caliban has a new music. CM When Stephano gave Caliban the liquor, he cursed him, for Caliban is now addicted to alcohol, he follows Stephano, asks for alcohol, and bows down to Stephano [Prepositional Phrase]. CM Caliban is a slave to Stephano now [appositive], just because a swig of alcohol. CS Now that Caliban has a new “music,” alcohol might make everything better for him.

TS My life has also been impacted by music, forever it has changed, and it was just from listening to music [compound-complex sentence]. SD Music sends me into a far away place. CM Whenever I am really tired, I too can fall asleep into a dreamy state. CM The throbbing beat of a song can be like a gentle lullaby that is sung by a mother for her child. SD Not all music in my life is real. CM For example, the gentle sound of a water fall is musical. CM I could sit next to a water fall all day and listen to it as the cascade of water fell to the ground. SD The last thing in my life that is musical is the fact that I can play an instrument. CM Whenever I play my trumpet and it sounds stellar [FAST], I feel a sense of pride wash over me. CM Sometimes this event can put a whole new perspective on the outcome of my day. CS Music is present in my life [short sentence].

(1) Whenever we are tired, music helps us dream. (2) Whenever we are angry, music makes us happy. (3) Music has special healing qualities that nothing else can bestow on someone. (4) For Caliban and me, all of these special parts of music help us and serve us when times are good, or when times are bad.

Gabe's Essay

Gabriel Campbell

Mr. Salsich

English B

February 18th, 2009

                           The Force that Conquered the World:

                           An Essay About the Power of Music

         (1) Music is an all-powerful force in the world. (2) Humans all enjoy music and the affects it has on them. (3) It is cherished universally. (4) In short, music has similar affects on Caliban from William Shakespeare’s The Tempst and my life.

(TS) While Caliban had abstract views about music, one point stood out; music is his sanctuary. (SD) Firstly, he states that music almost puts him into a trance. (CM) When Caliban said, “Will make me sleep again” he indicates that music brings him to another world. (CM) That it brings his mind to ease. (SD) In addition, music brings peace to Caliban. (CM) When saying, “Sound and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not” he is stating that the pleasant melodies don’t bring him pain, but bring him pleasure. (CM) They bring him into a state of peace. (SD) Finally, he is almost obsessed with music. (CM) He states, “I cried to dream again” to say that when he is in that state of mind, it is almost addicting for him. (CM) He lusts to go back. [short sentence] (CS) Overall, music being Caliban’s sanctuary is the most prominent point in his description of music.

         (TS) The affect music has on me is almost identical to the affect it has on Caliban. (SD) There have been instances where I have been listening to music in the car and strayed away from reality. (CM) I’ll be trying to identify lyrics or focus on a certain riff and I’ll instantly enter another world. (CM) Locked up in this world, [appositive as sentence opener] I am completely unaware of what is going on around me. (SD) Music brings peace to me as well. (CM) When angry or sorrowful, I listen to music to calm my nerves, and instantly become relaxed. [compound complex sentence] (CM) Music helps me put into perspective that there are worse problems than mine. (SD) Finally, I am in a way a music addict. (CM) Nearly every free moment I have is spent listening, playing, or thinking about music. (CM) For example, I’ll listen to a song on the way to school, think about it during the day, and play it when I get home. (CS) Overall, the impact of music in my life is similar to that of Caliban’s.

         (1) Billions of people have a passion for music. (2) Music offers the option of carrying a person to an alternate reality and bringing them to a harmonious state. (3) It can even cause the person to crave coming back to music again and again. (4) Overall, this is a similar situation for both Caliban and myself.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Imprisonment, Visitation Rights, and Freedom

Imprisonment is something that happens to everyone. It could happen during at a restaurant while choosing from the menu, or even at a sports game. Many people are imprisoned in everyday life but only a small few are imprisoned in a detention center. If this ever happened to me I do not know what I would do without seeing someone who is very important to me.

If I ever became imprisoned for any reason there would be a number of people who I would want to see. It would be very arduous (F.A.S.T.) to choose only two people because I care about all of them and the I would not want to disappoint someone. I would probably choose to see my two baby brothers. My parents would be a choice, but whenever I see the two little faces it makes me think of my parents, my family, and my friends. (Tricolon)Though they may not know it yet, my two little brothers drive me to succeed in my life. For example; basketball they both love the sport and enjoy watching me play it. I would also want to see them to tell them not to make the same mistakes that I had made to arrive in the prison. The two little hearts bring me even closer to succeeding; just like Miranda would make Ferdinand survive his imprisonment.

I would like to be as free as a leaf hanging off of a branch. Though it may be imprisoned for a short while it is able to become free once it dispatches. (F.A.S.T) The leaf would not have to worry about anything when it is floating in the air for its short moment of glory. It has a choice, to fall fast, to drift slowly, or to whip wildly in the wind. (Tricolon) This leaf can also become whatever it wants to be while imprisoned on the tree. It can explore the possibilities of size, shape, and color. (Tricolon) This - sometimes small - piece of art can have any permutation (F.A.S.T.) it would like to. This leafs journey is a short one but one that is filled with many surprises.

Imprisonment is something that happens to people who break rules; but there is always some way you can forgive these people. Family are usually the first people to stand by their loved ones and visit them while they are imprisoned. Freedom is probably the most appreciated form of forgiveness that it has on some occasions changed peoples lives.

Choices and Captivity and Comparisons

Wendell Frink

Mr. Salsich


2 February 2009

Choices and Captivity and Comparisons

An Essay on Imprisonment

Dictionary.com defines imprisonment as putting someone in prison or in jail as lawful punishment. Imagine that for some reason, you had been “thrown” in jail. What would you like to see out of your cell window everyday? Would it be your favorite place, a group of people, or something totally random? What does freedom mean to you as a person? Whatever you choose, it is of your wanting.

If I was sent to a reformatory (Fast), I would be devastated, but if I were offered to look out the window once a day, I would choose to see two things. “When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses (Joyce Brothers).” My family is the most important aspect in my life. They are there to talk to me, comfort me, have fun with me, and do everything with me. The second scene I would like to see would be a ski mountain. Everyday people arrive, people strive, and people survive (Tricolon). I participate in those actions, and not seeing them would make me forget who I am. These are the two things that I would like to see if I was imprisoned.

Freedom is the essence of being. I would like to be free as an eagle, the emblem of the U.S. Eagles soar to great heights, free from predators, man, and the occasional foe (Purposeful repetition). Eagles are carefree, what happens from day-to-day doesn’t matter to them. I would like to be as free as the air. Air moves all over the planet, forever changing, forever traveling, and forever moving (Tricolon). Air is the basis of life, forever helping. I would like to be as free a good book. People can read what is in the folds of your pages. You can meet new people who open your cover for the first time and have multiple friends. Freedom can be represented in many things.

Maybe you didn’t want anybody to come to your cell. I wouldn’t be able to handle this solitary confinement. And I wouldn’t want to even be imprisoned; being free is all there is for me. Your choices are probably different from mine, but that is your choice.