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Wendell, Gabe, and Rashad

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Gabe's Essay

Gabriel Campbell

Mr. Salsich

English B

February 24, 2009


                                    Brave New Worlds:

                                    An Essay About Virtues

         Virtues are apparent everywhere. They could be in books or in our hearts. These virtues could unite people, or they could better a society. Overall, while commitment, patience, and sacrifice could better our country, redemption, connection, and love were the virtues that bettered Prospero’s island.

         Redemption, connection, and love were catalysts for friendship on Prospero’s island. Firstly, Prospero redeemed his brother Antonio. Antonio betrayed Prospero by dethroning him and marooning him on an island with his enfant daughter. Considering that Antonio showed no compassion (sat word) if Prospero, his own “flesh and blood” survived, this was a momentous event (periodic sentence). While they didn’t exactly become friends, a sense of peace was restored between them. In addition, Trinculo, Stephano, and Caliban were able to bond through alcohol. When Caliban tasted the “celestial ale”, they found something that brought them all jubilation (sat word). They found something that they could enjoy together. Finally, Miranda and Ferdiand became friends through love. In Ferdiand, Miranda found a person to whom she could relate to and love other than her father. Even though they met 3 hours prior, they were instantly bonded Ferdinand essentially opened her eyes to a world she hadn’t encountered before. Overall, redemption, connection, and love inevitably resulted in friendship on Prospero’s island.

         If we ever want our world to change, three virtues must be present; commitment, patience, and sacrifice. In America, if we want to change for the better commitment must take place. We must be committed to the change because if we back down midway, the process could be ruined. For example, if we tried to get everyone to stop polluting to clean up the earth and in five years people started polluting again, the earth would be in no better shape. Non-commitment can essentially change the course of anything. In addition people must have patience. For drastic changes to be done, long periods of time are required. For example, we cannot expect President Obama to make all the changes he proposed instantly. We must accept that something that will change our nation will take time and be amicable (sat word) during the process. Finally, there must be sacrifice. Sacrifice can come in all different forms from donating money to cure a disease or giving up time to building houses for the homeless. In order to keep a society orderly, everybody needs to give back. Overall, the virtues commitment, patience, and sacrifice would be vital in developing our society.

         Virtues such as forgiveness, patience, and sacrifice are a large part of society, especially since most of us were raised by these very morals. (loose sentence). These virtues have helped bring people closer together and could rebuild civilizations. They also helped construct friendships. Overall, there were many virtues that catalyzed Prospero’s island into becoming an island of peace, friendship, and love.

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