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Wendell, Gabe, and Rashad

Monday, April 27, 2009

gabe's post

Gabriel Campbell

Mr. Salsich

English B

April 27, 2009


            (1) Kindness lurks everywhere. (2) It can be discovered in books or it can be in one’s life. (3) It is a universal emotion, considering the majority of the population has done something kind to another (loose sentence). Overall, kindness is apparent in the poem “Kindness” by Naomi Shihab Nye,  in “Winter Dreams” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and in my own life.

            (TS) In the poem “Kindness” by Naomi Shihab Nye, the theme of kindness is depicted as a subtle emotion to discover. (SD) Firstly, Ms. Nye wrote “but kindness is the deepest thing inside” to state that kindness is a hidden emotion inside us all. (CM) It is deeply embedded inside us all and will require effort to have. (CM) For example, when you see a person begging for change on the side of a road, it takes the kindness that is so far down to take a step out of your busy life to help some one else. (SD) Similarly, you have to experience kindness to truly posses it. (CM) When Ms. Nye wrote “kindness that ties your shoes”, she was implying that once you first encounter kindness, it becomes evident in you. (CM) You know the euphoric feeling of being helped and how much joy it could potentially bring and now are willing to help bestow this feeling upon others. (TS) When reading between the lines, the true meaning of kindness unravels in the poem “Kindness” by Naomi Shihab Nye.

            (TS) In “Winter Dreams” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, kindness is found in a less conventional way. (SD) Firstly,  Dexter Green had essentially been robbed of his kindness. (CM) When Fitzgerald wrote, “long ago there was something in me, but now that thing is gone. […] I cannot care” to state that Dexter Green, an assiduous (SAT) hard working man (appositive), could no longer feel compassion. (SAT) (CM) One of the main components to kindness is sympathy and when this is absent so is kindness. (SD) Finally, he tries to show Judy Jones kindness. (CM) Dexter always had strong feelings for Judy and was willing to drop his engagement to Irene to be with her. While this might not be kind to Irene, it was Dexter’s way of showing that he cared immensely for her. (CS) Overall, while Dexter Green didn’t escape the inevitable (SAT) fate of having his kindness robbed by Judy Jones, there were a few examples of benevolence towards her.

            (TS) In nearly 15 years, I have experienced both giving and receiving kindness. (SD) My parents are some of the kindest people I know. (CM) They have surprised me with no reason or warning on many occasions with things they knew I would enjoy, whether it may be a home cooked meal or a new iPod. (loose sentence) (CM) They have taught, showed, helped, and ushered (tetracolon climax) me through finding the kindness in my heart with their own kindness. (SD) These teachings have led to me volunteering at the W.A.R.M. Shelter in Westerly. (CM) I have come in early on weekend mornings or late on weekday nights to help serve food to the homeless. (CM) This is an example of the having kindness shown to you to be able to posses it because if it wasn’t for my parents, I probably wouldn’t have volunteered in the first place. (CS) Overall, kindness has been shown to me many ways and has in turn helped me become a caring person.

            (1) Kindness is a universal emotion. (2) You could experience it, have it given to you, or have it stolen from you. (3) We will all encounter kindness. (4) Similarly, kindness has continually been present in “Kindness” by Naomi Shihab Nye,  in “Winter Dreams” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and in my own life.


Shad said...

Dear My Awesome Best Friend SPF 9000 Friend Gabe,
Great Job on your essay I always enjoy looking at your fast words such as Euphoric.
The first thing I noticed was in this sentence " For example, when you see a person begging for change on the side of a road, it takes the kindness that is so far down to take a step out of your busy life to help some one else." you could take out some unnecessary words such as a person and turn it into someone, also you could remove busy.
The second thing I noticed was the last body paragraph Im not quite sure what it was but it did not seem to flow smoothly when I read it. try rereading it aloud.

Wendell Frink said...

Nice job on your essay. I especially liked your concluding paragraph, it worked well with catching my attention and leaving with a bang. You might want to try to find another word for kindness, you repeated it a lot throughout your essay. Also, I agree with Rashad about the second body, but I think you should read over the quotes and delete some words that don't add anything. Other than that, great job bro.