We created this blog to publish our writing masterpieces for English class. If you ever need something to read check out our blog we will be updating it weekly. Also, feel free to leave a comment.

Wendell, Gabe, and Rashad

Monday, December 15, 2008

Gabe's Post


Mr. Salsich


9th December, 2008


                                                Remorse, Regret, and Resolution;

                                                    An Essay About Resolutions



             (1) Everyone makes poor decisions, but it is what you learn from the decision that matters most. (2) If you get an “F” on your first math test, then you would resolve to do better on the others. (3) We’ve all had a situation like this in all of our lives and we’ve all had to find some lesson from this. (4) In my life, the best example of this is my preparation for the 8th grade assessment presentation.

            (TS) Throughout the 8th grade year, my biggest regret was my lack of preparation for the assessment project. (SD) I put off the presentation itself until the week before it was due. (CM) At the last minute, rushing frantically to meet the requirements, I managed to throw together a sub-par poster-board and unsatisfactory presentation. [SV split] (CM) I am very regretful for this because if I had taken the time and tried, I could have received a much better grade on the presentation. (SD) Along with procrastinating, I also did not take very good notes at my work-site. (CM) While writing the presentation, I found myself being redundant and vague.  (CM) I am remorseful of this as well because if I had paid more attention while working, I could’ve been more descriptive in my writing and raised my grade. (CS) Overall, procrastination and lack of attention were the two major flaws that affected my assessment presentation.

             (TS) My lack of effort taught me many lessons. (SD) The first lesson it taught me was to always rehearse. (CM) I went into the assessment presentation unprepared and excessively nervous. (CM) Since I started rehearsing, I have entered presentations with .a new awareness (SD) In addition, I learned to always be confident. (CM) Entering a presentation without confidence will usually result in nervousness. (CM) This is never good for the presentation because instead of taking advantage of the presentation and succeeding, you’re letting the presentation take advantage of you. (CS) Overall, some of the worst incidents can result in the best lessons.

            (1) With every bad decision comes a lesson. (2) When you get a bad grade, you learn to study more. (3) We have all had these occurrences in our lives. (4) Overall, even though regrets are memorable, the resolutions are what matters most.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Letting Go; An Essay About Regrets


Mr. Salsich

English 9

12 15 2008

(1) Imagine you, sitting in a lonely classroom, began sulking. (2) You became of this because you regret being a less than studious pupil the previous evening. (3) Accepting to let go of your mistakes and regrets are something that we must all learn. (4) We must learn this because we constantly make mistakes.
(TS) Regrets are something that humans cannot live without; making bad choices is in our nature. (SD) One of my biggest regrets was last year on a music project when I decided to waste my time and put the project off until we had one weekend left. (CM) There was no way I was going to complete the whole two page assignment in a single weekend. (CM) This led me to copy my assignment off of the Internet. (SD) This was not a good Idea, the next week I had to serve two in-school suspensions. (CM) This action of mine could have been totally avoided. (SD) If I could change something I would do the assignment during the long period of time that the music teacher had given us to do it. (CM) When redoing the assignment I realized that it was so simple to complete that I did not need to copy something off of the web. (CM) Though I do regret committing to this action I believe that this has helped shape me as a person. (CS) It has helped me so that I do not make the same mistake in the near future.
(TS) In the last paragraph I talked about a regret that I have. (SD) Though that is most certainly a regret, there are many few more that I can name. (CM) I learned that it is not good to dwell on the little things that occurred in the past. (CM) Living in the moment is what is best for myself, and everyone around me. (SD) Everyday we make thousands of little mistakes that we constantly curse and bother with. (CM) If you accept these blunders as soon as they happen, we will be able to continue on with our strenuous days. (CM) Therefore, be prepared for the next coming error to overcome. (CS) Though these mistakes cause us pain and suffering in each passing moment, they also strengthen us for the larger ones at the end of our road.
(1) In our lifetimes we make faults that limit the learning and joy in our lives. (2) These are things that can be avoided by the slightest thought or a sincere gesture. (3) No matter what things you regret try to overcome your first instinct and try to leg go of the regrets that are constantly beating, and beating constantly at your head.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Wendell Frink

Mr. Salsich


10 December 2008

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

An Essay on What I Regret

(1) Regrets is the “I wish that I” in your life; “I wish I spent more time with that person” or “I wish that I had gone and done more things;” where you talk about what you did or didn’t do. (2) There is something that I wish I had done. (3) If I had done this thing, then I would have a couple of items that I want. (4) My regret isn’t personal, but I still hold it to me that I made a mistake.

(TS) Everyone probably has regrets, even me. (SD) For example, a regret that I have is that I didn’t work over the summer. (CM)A teenager, working a whole day, can take in a lot of money. (CM) These are two things that I needed the most, money and initiative. (SD) During the summer I usually hang around the house, ambling throughout the rooms. (CM) But if I had gotten my act together, I would have used of spare time. (CM) Also, my mother wouldn’t have wanted to kill me for not doing summer work. (SD) If I had worked over the summer I would have two essential things. (CM) The first thing would be money, something that I want and need the most. (CM) The second thing would be a computer, something that I also need. (CS) After much thought, I realize that I should have worked this summer.

(TS) There is a way to redeem myself of these past regrets, and let my past regrets redeem themselves. (SD) One way that I am changing this is that I am trying to get a job. (CM) Work will occupy my mind and keep me out of trouble. (CM) I’ll also be able to buy that computer that I desperately want. (SD) Also, during summer vacation, I won’t be laying around the house doing nothing. (CM) As soon as school ends, I will ask my parents to help me look for work. (CM) They will see that I actually have initiative and be glad to help me in my search. (CS) We can’t change the past, but we can change the future.

(1) What we should do in life is not hold little regrets like mine in high standard, but still think about them. (2) I always think about my mistake. (3) Why I didn’t do anything, still is a mystery to me. (4) Now I am going to try and get a job over the summer, to get the things that I want.

A) What I like most about this essay is that I am admitting to past mistakes. It takes a lot of courage for people (especially me) to admit they did something wrong. After I wrote this essay, a wave of relief washed over me. It was like I was letting it all out.

B) The hardest part about this assignment was the writing. I don't think that I did very well on the flow of my essay. It is like I am saying the same thing, but I don't know what else to put into it.

TS: Regrets are the things that you wished you did

SD: My Regret

CM: work is a good thing

CM: these are the things i needed the most

SD: during the summer i hang around

CM: But if i got my act together i would have used my spare time

CM: my mother wouldn't want to kill me

SD: i would have two essential things

CM: the first would be money

CM: the second would be a computer

CS: after much thought i realize that i should have worked this summer

Gabe's Post


Mr. Salsich


9th December, 2008


                                                Remorse, Regret, and Resolution;

                                                    An Essay About Resolutions



             (1) Everyone makes poor decisions, but it is what you learn from the decision that matters most. (2) If you get an “F” on your first math test, then you would resolve to do better on the others. (3) We’ve all had a situation like this in all of our lives and we’ve all had to find some lesson from this. (4) In my life, the best example of this is my preparation for the 8th grade assessment presentation.

            (TS) Throughout the 8th grade year, my biggest regret was my lack of preparation for the assessment project. (SD) I put off the presentation itself until the week before it was due. (CM) At the last minute, rushing frantically to meet the requirements, I managed to throw together a sub-par poster-board and unsatisfactory presentation. [SV split] (CM) I am very regretful for this because if I had taken the time and tried, I could have received a much better grade on the presentation. (SD) Along with procrastinating, I also did not take very good notes at my work-site. (CM) While writing the presentation, I found myself being redundant and vague.  (CM) I am remorseful of this as well because if I had paid more attention while working, I could’ve been more descriptive in my writing and raised my grade. (CS) Overall, procrastination and lack of attention were the two major flaws that affected my assessment presentation.


(TS) lack of preparation

(SD) I put off the presentation

(CM) I rushed at the last minute to finish it

(CM) If I had taken the time I could have made the presentation really good

(SD) I didn’t take good notes at the work site

(CM) While writing, I was very vague

(CM) I could have been more descriptive if I had paid more attention

(CS) Lack of attention and procrastination were two big flaws.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

In the book “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens Scrooge is wondering why Marley is back and haunting him as a spirit. Marley tells him that every spirit must roam the world along his fellow men. I believe that Marley has come to Scrooge, because even though he was not necessarily good to Marley he thinks that Scrooge may be able to change. Scrooge may have a heart of ice but the ice of his heart may be melted. Since Marley was the only person who got very close to Scrooge, he would be the only person who could alter Scrooges personality. As quoted early in the story, “The cold within him froze his old features, nipped his pointed nose and shriveled his cheek.” As he was a dark and lonely man Marley could be the only person who could get through to Scrooge that the holidays were about celebrating and enjoying yourself.

The Life I Forged

Wendell Frink

Mr. Salsich


4 December 2008

The Life I Forged

An Essay on a Quote

(1) In the play “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens, his writing can be very confusing. (2) He uses many writing tools and his writing is old fashioned, so it’s hard to understand what he is saying. (3) In the quote “I wear the chain I forged in life” he might be saying that as a person, you control how you run your life. (4) This quote is filled with a mountain of meaning.

(TS) (Chiasmus) The above quote is when the ghost is talking with Scrooge about being a good person in life and letting life be good to you. (SD) If you are a caring and giving person, life will be filled with pleasures. (CM) (Purposeful Repetition) Scrooge is a miserable man, he is icy cold, he is lonely, and he is sick, but maybe if he devoted more time to being kind he wouldn’t be so miserable. (CM) He could start with just a few coins in a poor persons cup or donating to charity. (SD) When Marley says, “I wear the chain I forged in life,” he might be hinting at Scrooge to be more kind. (CM) Scrooge is almost a carbon copy of Marley; he devotes his time to his business. (CM) Marley is probably wishing that he was a better person, so he didn’t have to wear the chain made of “cash boxes, keys, padlocks, ledgers, deeds, and heavy purses wrought in steel” around his waist. (CS) Life is tough as it is, but if you are a kind and caring person, than it might be good to you.

(1) After interpreting this quote it doesn’t look so confusing after all. (2) Marley just wants Scrooge to be a better person and not end up like himself. (3) If he is just a more giving person, then life will pleasant. (4) There is always meaning in even the most confusing sentences.

In Class Essay


Mr. Salsich

English 9B

4th December 2008


                                             Doomed to Wander;

                           An Essay on a Quote from “A Christmas Carol”


         (1) We have been taught to make the most of our lives. (2) We only get one shot at making a difference so we’ve been told that we need to live life for every second we can. (3) If we make the wrong decisions, than all of this was for nothing. (4) The quote “if that spirit goes not forth in life, it is condemned to do so after death. It is doomed to wander” can be related to our actions.

         (TS) The quote is can be related to how we act during our lives. (SD) If we do nothing during school, then we would not accomplish anything. (CM) We would receive poor grades and be forced to “wander” throughout the rest of our lives badly educated and struggling to find a job. (CM) We wouldn’t have made a difference and we were essentially “rewarded” for our actions. (SD) In addition, this quote can also be related to how we handle tough situations. (CM) When we are faced with the option to take drugs one of two things can happen; we can take advantage of the situation and say no, or the situation could take advantage of us and we become hooked. (CM) If we don’t handle these difficult situations properly, then we would be condemned and doomed to live with our mistakes. (CS) Overall, the quote “if that spirit goes not forth in life, it is condemned to do so after death. It is doomed to wander” can directly relate to our actions through life.

         (1) Our lives are precious things. (2) We only get one shot, and if we screw up it could drastically change the outcome. (3) If we don’t “go forth in life” and make a difference, then we would be forced to “wander” around aimlessly.