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Wendell, Gabe, and Rashad

Monday, December 15, 2008

Gabe's Post


Mr. Salsich


9th December, 2008


                                                Remorse, Regret, and Resolution;

                                                    An Essay About Resolutions



             (1) Everyone makes poor decisions, but it is what you learn from the decision that matters most. (2) If you get an “F” on your first math test, then you would resolve to do better on the others. (3) We’ve all had a situation like this in all of our lives and we’ve all had to find some lesson from this. (4) In my life, the best example of this is my preparation for the 8th grade assessment presentation.

            (TS) Throughout the 8th grade year, my biggest regret was my lack of preparation for the assessment project. (SD) I put off the presentation itself until the week before it was due. (CM) At the last minute, rushing frantically to meet the requirements, I managed to throw together a sub-par poster-board and unsatisfactory presentation. [SV split] (CM) I am very regretful for this because if I had taken the time and tried, I could have received a much better grade on the presentation. (SD) Along with procrastinating, I also did not take very good notes at my work-site. (CM) While writing the presentation, I found myself being redundant and vague.  (CM) I am remorseful of this as well because if I had paid more attention while working, I could’ve been more descriptive in my writing and raised my grade. (CS) Overall, procrastination and lack of attention were the two major flaws that affected my assessment presentation.

             (TS) My lack of effort taught me many lessons. (SD) The first lesson it taught me was to always rehearse. (CM) I went into the assessment presentation unprepared and excessively nervous. (CM) Since I started rehearsing, I have entered presentations with .a new awareness (SD) In addition, I learned to always be confident. (CM) Entering a presentation without confidence will usually result in nervousness. (CM) This is never good for the presentation because instead of taking advantage of the presentation and succeeding, you’re letting the presentation take advantage of you. (CS) Overall, some of the worst incidents can result in the best lessons.

            (1) With every bad decision comes a lesson. (2) When you get a bad grade, you learn to study more. (3) We have all had these occurrences in our lives. (4) Overall, even though regrets are memorable, the resolutions are what matters most.

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