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Wendell, Gabe, and Rashad

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Gabe's Essay

Gabriel Campbell

Mr. Salsich

English B

February 18th, 2009

                           The Force that Conquered the World:

                           An Essay About the Power of Music

         (1) Music is an all-powerful force in the world. (2) Humans all enjoy music and the affects it has on them. (3) It is cherished universally. (4) In short, music has similar affects on Caliban from William Shakespeare’s The Tempst and my life.

(TS) While Caliban had abstract views about music, one point stood out; music is his sanctuary. (SD) Firstly, he states that music almost puts him into a trance. (CM) When Caliban said, “Will make me sleep again” he indicates that music brings him to another world. (CM) That it brings his mind to ease. (SD) In addition, music brings peace to Caliban. (CM) When saying, “Sound and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not” he is stating that the pleasant melodies don’t bring him pain, but bring him pleasure. (CM) They bring him into a state of peace. (SD) Finally, he is almost obsessed with music. (CM) He states, “I cried to dream again” to say that when he is in that state of mind, it is almost addicting for him. (CM) He lusts to go back. [short sentence] (CS) Overall, music being Caliban’s sanctuary is the most prominent point in his description of music.

         (TS) The affect music has on me is almost identical to the affect it has on Caliban. (SD) There have been instances where I have been listening to music in the car and strayed away from reality. (CM) I’ll be trying to identify lyrics or focus on a certain riff and I’ll instantly enter another world. (CM) Locked up in this world, [appositive as sentence opener] I am completely unaware of what is going on around me. (SD) Music brings peace to me as well. (CM) When angry or sorrowful, I listen to music to calm my nerves, and instantly become relaxed. [compound complex sentence] (CM) Music helps me put into perspective that there are worse problems than mine. (SD) Finally, I am in a way a music addict. (CM) Nearly every free moment I have is spent listening, playing, or thinking about music. (CM) For example, I’ll listen to a song on the way to school, think about it during the day, and play it when I get home. (CS) Overall, the impact of music in my life is similar to that of Caliban’s.

         (1) Billions of people have a passion for music. (2) Music offers the option of carrying a person to an alternate reality and bringing them to a harmonious state. (3) It can even cause the person to crave coming back to music again and again. (4) Overall, this is a similar situation for both Caliban and myself.


Wendell Frink said...

Nice job Gale!!
Pros: I liked how your first body paragraph contained a lot of examples about Caliban. Nice Job

Cons: In your opening paragraph you used a lot of short sentences. Try to use variety, I know I need to do that too. In your first body paragraph and in your first CM the quote doesn't help that particular sentence.

Over all awesome job.

Shad said...

Wonderful Essays Gabe
Great job using short but necessary quotes in the paragraph about Caliban.
One thing I noticed is that you used many short sentences throughout the whole essay. This may have been you trying to do the requirements but you may have overdid it.